Blog Page Settings - Format Grid in Pages Settings

Grid Format Setting

Grid format includes Grid Style Settings: Standard and Card. 

The Standard style is set by default. Thumbnails, Excerpt, Meta, and Read More Settings are enabled by default.

Standard Style

The Standard style displays posts in a row with information below the image. You can customize the layout using the following settings:

  • Set the number of posts per row:

  • Set the Thumbnail aspect ratio from the drop-down menu - Horizontal, Square or Vertical:

  • Manage Excerpt, Meta, or the Read More button using the corresponding switches:

  • Set the Left, Center or Right Alignment you want for your posts. Left alignment is set by default:

  • Choose the Navigation Type from the drop-down menu:

  • By choosing the Pagination type, you can select from two styles- Standard or Previous:

  • To set the Blog as a home page, press the Set as Home Page button:

  • To hide the Blog from the publish site, press the Hide Page button:

Card Style

All posts are placed in a line, and information about each post is placed over the thumbnail with a color overlay:

  • Set the number of posts displayed per row:

  • Set the aspect ratio from the drop-down list  - Horizontal, Square or Vertical:

  • Set the spacing between cards (posts on the page). The spacing is set to 30 by default:

  • Manage Meta settings by using the switch:

  • Set Top, Middle or Bottom Title Position. The Top position is set by default:

  • Set the Left, Center or Right Alignment you want for your posts. Left alignment is set by default:

  • Choose the Navigation Type from the drop-down menu:

  • By choosing the Pagination type, you can select from two styles- Standard or Previous:

  • To set the Blog as a home page, click the Set as Home Page button:

  • To hide the Blog from the publish site, click the Hide Page button:


  • Switch to the SEO tab and customize the page Title and add its Description:

  • The Title will appear in the browser:

  • To show the Blog page in search results, turn the switch on: