
Logo is a unique, recognizable design or symbol that represents your company.

All website templates in the Site Editor already have a default logo in both the Navigation Header and Footer. You can personalize it to suit your needs with custom image or text.

  • Hover over the default logo on your website to display the Edit button on its top-right.

  • The Image tab will be opened by default. 

  • Drag and drop the logo into the Image placeholder. Alternatively, you can click the placeholder to open the Upload Photo dialog, Create New Project or use Free Stock Photos.

Please Note: The logo image size should not exceed 3MB.

  • To crop your logo, click Crop on the top-right of the image placeholder. Then, use the Resize mode to change the position and scaling of your logo.

    • By default, the logo is set to return your customers to the Home Page by clicking on it. But you can turn off this functionality by switching the On Click Link to Homepage toggle.

On the other hand, if you choose the Text type site logo, You can simply edit the name of the logo under the Name section and change freely the Font Size at the same time. Any changes you’ll do in Logo Editor will automatically take effect on the website page.

  • Switch to the Text tab to add the text logo to your website.
  • Add a text to the placeholder, and choose a font sizefontstyle and format.
  • By default, the logo is set to return your customers to the Home Page by clicking on it. But you can turn off this functionality by switching the On Click Link to Homepage toggle.