Blog Post Editor Sidebar

Click the toggle to open the Post Editor sidebar:

Adding Tags

  • Add Tags to help visitors understand your story's content:

Please Note: There is a limit of 10 Tags per Blog Post.

Adding Preview Image

Add an image to your post:

  • Click an image area to open the Upload Image dialog:

  • In the Image Library, select Upload Image:

  • Click Select a Photo to locate an image on your computer. Alternatively, you can drag and drop the image:

Use Free Stock Photos to search for royalty-free images:

  • Open the Image Library and click the Search Stock Photos button.
  • Click Edit to modify the photo, or click Use Image to add it to your post. You can also click on an image to edit it.

The preview image will appear on the blog page:

Displaying Cover Photo

  • Turn on the toggle to display a cover photo for your post:

Post Author

  • Сhange the Post Author name that will appear in the published blog post's metadata:

Excerpt Setting

  • Enter custom text into the Excerpt field. Otherwise, a default Excerpt will be displayed:

Social Sharing Buttons

  • Select and turn on the Social Sharing Buttons toggle if you want to share your post:

  • Social Sharing Buttons will appear at the end of the post.

Post Comments

Please Note: Before turning on Post Comments for a separate post, the Comments need to be turned on globally in the Blog Post Preview settings.

  • Turn on the Post Comments toggle to allow comments on your post:

  • The comments will appear at the end of the post.


Select the SEO tab to configure the blog post page's SEO settings:

  • Title: Specify the blog post page title that will appear in search engines.
  • Description: Add the description to display in search results.

  • Social Share Image: Set an image that will appear as the thumbnail when the blog post is shared on social media platforms:

Show Page in Search Results

Search engines like Google and Yahoo index every published website page by default.

If you don't want a specific page to appear in search results, you can hide it from search engines in the Editor by turning off the Show Page in Search Results toggle.

  • Turn the toggle on to show your blog post in search results: