Catalog Feature in Mobile Editor

With the Catalog feature, you can add a Product Сatalog to the website page and select a category it will display.

Please Note: There is a limit of one Catalog Feature per page.

Follow these steps to enable the Catalog feature:

  • In the Site Editor, hover over the left sidebar and click Build.
  • In Features, navigate to the Online Store section, drag Product and drop it to the preferred area:

  • Hover over the feature and click Edit to configure the Catalog Settings:

Please be aware that the Catalog added to the website will be automatically removed after you disable the store.

Modifying the Layout Tab

  • Layout Type. Select the Catalog Layout among Grid, List, or Masonry:

  • Category. Select the category to display from the drop-down:

Please Note: You can select more than one category to display in a Catalog Feature.

  • Sort by. Choose the default sorting order for products from the drop-down:
  1. Newest
  2. Oldest
  3. Price: High to low
  4. Price: Low to high
  5. Featured first
  6. Name: A-Z
  7. Name: Z-A

  • Total Rows. Select how many rows will be presented in the catalog:

  • Products Per Row. Use Slider to set how many products will be presented in each row:

  • Margin. Set the outer spacing for the catalog:

  • Products Spacing. Set the spacing between items in the catalog grid (inner spacing):

Modifying the View Tab

Catalog Title

Enable the toggle to add a Title to the Catalog, and add the Title in the input field:

  • Select the position of the Title (On Top, At The Bottom, Card):

Image Aspect Ratio

  • Choose the image aspect ratio from the drop-down:

Please Note: The Image Aspect Ratio settings are not presented for Masonry format. 


Configure the data on the product cards by turning on/off the following switches:

  • Banner. Turn on the Banner toggle to enable the Banner for the product.
  • Badges. Turn on the Badges toggle to enable the On Sale, Sold Out, Few Left, and Digital badges for your Online Store.
  1. On Sale. If the product is on Sale, its price changes, and the relevant information and badge are displayed.
  2. Sold Out. If no items are left, the Add to Cart button will be hidden, and the Sold Out badge will be placed first (if there is no On Sale badge).
  3. Few Left. The Few Left badge automatically shows when less than ten items are in stock.
  4. Digital. You can set this badge to show that the product is digital and that there are no shipping options.
  • Product Name. The information will be displayed from the Ecomdash dashboard.
  • SKU. This will load in your SKU set from the Product Details screen. If you want to track this under a different ID, you can change it in the Ecomdash dashboard.
  • Price. The information will be displayed from the Ecomdash dashboard.
  • Excerpt (short description of the product). The information will be displayed from the Ecomdash dashboard.


The Button settings include several options:

  • Turn Off Button. Turn on the toggle to show the Button on a product card. Turn off the toggle to disable Button and remove it from the card:

  • Button Text. Specify the text that will appear on the Button:

  • Full-Width. Switch the Full-Width toggle on to stretch the Button across the entire width of the card:

  • On Click Event. Choose the following action from the drop-down: Buy Now, Add to Cart, Open Product Page.
  1. Buy Now: Opens a cart with added product.
  2. Add to Cart: Adds a product to cart.
  3. Open Product Page: Opens the Product Page with details.

Please Note: Clicking on a card (for example, on a photo) will open the Product Page.

Modifying the Design Tab

  • Catalog Background. Set the background color of the Catalog by clicking the Square icon on the right:

  • Catalog Border. Change the value in the Slide Control to set the Catalog border width, and select the color by clicking the Square icon on the right to Slide Control:

Please Note: If the value on the Slider Control is set to zero, the Border feature is disabled.

  • Card Background. Set the background color of the product card by clicking the Square icon on the right:

  • Card Border. Change the value in the Slide Control to set the border width, and select the color by clicking the Square icon on the right to Slide Control:

Please Note: If the value on the Slider Control is set to zero, the Border feature is disabled.

  • Hover Effects. Hover Effects add dynamic visual effects to the website. It helps to create more engaging and modern experiences for visitors. Enable the toggle, and choose among the following options:
  1. Show Additional Images
  2. Highlight Border
  3. Highlight Background
  4. Highlight Shadow